Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What NEXT?! here's the latest happenings with Alyson. She's now doing THIS.


ARGH! MORE for me to worry about now...her falling down and hitting her head. She just started doing this (successfully) yesterday. She's been trying to pull herself up on things for a few days now, but just didn't have the strength to pull all the way up. Yesterday we were over my parents' house and I put her in their pack n play for a nap, and next thing I knew, she had grabbed hold of the top of the pack n play and was standing up! And today she did the same thing here at home. Next she started using the coffee table and endtables. I swear, it's one thing after the other! I have my little climber downstairs in the pack n play to sleep tonight, because I now have to move her crib mattress down to the lowest position so she can't climb right over the top. I'm just too tired to get out the screwdriver and go mess with that thing tonight. Sounds more like a job for tomorrow.

That's really all I had to write about tonight...nothing all that exciting. Russ's mom's bday was today, but she and her hubby just got back from Mexico (2nd part of their honeymoon) tonight. I need to go out tomorrow and get her a gift (buying all gifts seemed to become my responsibility after marriage, despite the fact that it's HIS Anyway, she and her husband Steve are supposed to stop by tomorrow because they miss Alyson. Never mind me and Russ. LOL. Isn't it so funny how once you have kids, your parents don't seem to get as excited to see you anymore? I always joke with my parents about that. When I walk in the door at my parents' house, they automatically go right to Alyson. I joke with them and say, "Hi Betsy! It's so great to see you!" :-)

One more pic before I go... here's Aly spending time with her daddy. Well, actually, she was trying to crawl over him so she could attempt to get her hands on the remote control or the phone...whichever happened to be easier to grab.


Well, nighty night... have a great Thursday :-)


Jenny said...

Wow, standing already! Chloe is starting to pull herself up and you are so right--more things to worry about when they fall and bump their heads and start to cry.

She is such a cutie, I can't blame grandma for wanting to see Alyson. Love that picture--she really looks like her daddy.

Heather said...

Oh yes. Maddy got her first little bruise after she learned how to pull herself up. Now, she cruises all around the coffee table and the couch.

Love the picture with daddy. So cute!