Thursday, July 19, 2007

1 month already??!!

My little baby girl is 4 weeks old today. Where the heck did the time go?! Seems like just yesterday I was giving birth and suffering from an aching you-know-what and complaining about leaking boobs. LOL.


Alyson is doing great. She's growing like a weed and is soooo much more alert now! The only thing is that lately she's been more fussy, gassy and spitting up more, so as of today we've started her on Similac Isomil just to see if that helps. Here's hoping.

As for sleep (or lack therof, where I'm concerned), Aly is sleeping at least 3-4 hours during the night. Lastnight she slept from 1am-6:30am, but I'm sure that was a one-time thing. It sure was nice though! During the day her sleepy time is shorter though. She'll sleep for 2-3 hours then is up like clockwork sucking on her fingers and wanting to eat.

I have so much more to write but I can hear her getting fussy now so I guess I'll have to cut this post short. I just wanted to check in real quick to give an update on the little one. Here are some more pictures...

More to come soon!

Have a good night :-)


erin said...

What a cutie!!! :) I'm glad things are going well, and I hope you all start getting more sleep soon...apparently, you have a very social baby who likes to be up and about! Hee. :)

Have a wonderful weekend!!


Mrs. Taco said...

I was glad to see a post from you! LOL I remember how it was at the beginning. :o) Your little girl has grown so much and is such a cutie! Thanks for posting pictures so that we could see her. Take care!

P.S. Swing by my blog. Jodi had her baby!

cdsbutterfly said...

Such a cutie!

Kristen Miller said...

Hey Betsy! I know...the time is really flying by isn't it? So crazy!

Yeah so there's just no consistancy in life with a matter how much you try. I guess we just have to get used to it for now. It's great to hear from you though.

I love the pictures and can't wait to see more. Aly is just beautiful. :)

Jenny said...

Oh ALy is so sweet looking! You have quite a beautiful baby on your hands!! and I am glad to hear that things are working out well for you.

Heather said...

She is so adorable!! I'm glad things are going well for you!

Alicia said...

She is beautiful!

Platinum Rose said...

Happy 1 month birthday, Alyson! She's so cute! Hard to believe it's been a month already. I am glad to hear everything (for the most part) seems to be going great for you and your little one.

RecoveringCoffeeholic said...

hey!!! she is lovely!

Theresa said...

yay! a post from Betsy! I'm sure little Aly has you busy 24 hours a day! Hopefully she'll start to sleep through the night before you know it.

What a cutie she is, definately has a lot of her mother's features!

Jodi said...

She is just too cute!!!!! I can't beleive how big she's getting! It's hard for me to believe that my little Ali is already a week old!

Zoe D. said...

So sweet:)