Friday, November 16, 2007

It's meeeeeee :-)

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

While I'd like to say that I've been off somewhere fabulous and exciting, relaxing on a tropical island for the past month and a half...I haven't. Nothing even close to that. I've relaxed a LITTLE BIT of that time, but mostly just on my couch.

(sigh) If only I had a dollar for every time I've said "I need to post on my blog" in the past month and a half. It's amazing how time flies., to play catch-up.

For starters, I shall talk about Alyson :-) She's doing GREAT. She is totally the love of my life (aside from my husband and my She had her 4-month visit on October 31st, and she weighed 16.2 pounds and was 26 inches long! She's 90th percentile for everything! (Including head size...she's got a big noggin like her

She's trying her best to sit up already... she lunges herself forward when she's sitting in her boppy, and she'll actually sit straight up for a few seconds, but then falls forward with her face in the couch. She's quick when she does it too... the other day, all I did was get up off the couch to pick up the pillows and put them back on the couch, and she had flung herself forward while I was turned around. I heard "ehhh, ehhh" then turned my head and she was sideways on the couch with her head hanging off of it, looking down at the floor..pretty much ready to do a somersault off the couch. BOY was that scary. Seems like I can't turn away for 2 seconds these days! Jeesh!

One thing I can say that has been my major lifesaver lately (well, 2 things)... the Rainforest play mat, and the rainforest jumperoo. I think those 2 things are the only ways I can now take a shower. Aly wants my attention all the time, but when she's on the playmat or in the jumperoo, she plays for a good half hour, long enough for me to shower and get somewhat ready. I placed her jumperoo in the nursery to where I can be taking a shower and see her from the bathroom. :-)

One thing I'm not looking forward to... (yeah, I know I'm jumping all around...):

I'm not looking forward to having to move our baby girl up into her nursery. She's been in the bedroom with us in a bassinet our friends let us borrow, since the pack and play we have took up too much room in the bedroom. Anyway, the friend is pregnant and due in December, so we'll have to give the bassinet back within the next few weeks. Russ has been saying "She needs to go to her room" for months now, and I keep saying, "When we have to give the bassinet back, she'll go up to the nursery." I mean, the poor girl is rapidly outgrowing the bassinet, and obviously I don't want her sleeping with us until she's It just sucks to think about. I just wish her bedroom was downstairs with ours... she'd have been in her crib from the start if that was the case. I just like the reassurance of being able to peek in at her and see her and know everything's ok. :-/

Well, I'm gonna have to cut this short... ALy wants to eat. Here are some recent pics of her :-) They are from October... I'll have to upload the other ones so I can post them soon :-)

UPDATE... here are the latest pics of Alyson that I just uploaded :-)


Jenny said...

Oh, I love the rainforest jumperoo! Chloe is almost 7 months and it is still sometimes the only free time I get to use both my hands!

Good luck with moving Aly to her own room. We did it when Chloe was 4 weeks old and the first couple nights were hard, but I am glad we did it because I started sleeping much better then!

She is quite a cutie and glad to hear that she is growing so well!

Amy said...

Thanks for the update. Aly is getting so much bigger!!!