Monday, November 26, 2007

Pictures and Christmas updates :-)

I had Alyson's Christmas pictures taken last are some of the proofs so you can see how fast my little one is growing!! She's almost 5 months old in the pictures.

So how far along is everyone with their Christmas shopping?? I'm about halfway finished. I started a few weeks before Thanksgiving, and told myself that it would be GREAT to be done by Tgiving, but that didn't end up happening. I've done alot of stuff online too, lately... it's just so hard to get out with a little one! It's a big production now, to try and get ready to go out somewhere. I can't just get ready and head out the door... now it's, " I have bottles... packed..." then I have to get Aly all bundled up, put her in her carseat, then load everything up in the car. While it all sounds pretty simple, oh it is NOT sometimes! By the time I get ready, I am hoping and praying that we can get out of the house before she starts crying and fussing. If I time it to where we leave RIGHT after she eats, I know I at least have a few hours before she gets irritated. Thank goodness she's really good (for the most part) when we go out shopping. She just looks around at all the clothes, and when I peek down at her, she always gives me a big's too cute :-) Mommy's teaching her early in life about the joys of shopping :-)

Decorating-wise, I put most of my inside decorations up today... all except the tree, which I'll probably do sometime next week. Tomorrow I'm hoping to get out and buy some Christmas decorations. I need to buy garland for my porch... and I just wanna change things up a bit and get some different stuff. I still have my fall stuff up outside though... I have big things of straw and pumpkins on my front porch, so I need my husband to get rid of them before I stick the Christmas stuff out there. He was supposed to do that today, but forgot. ( think it would look kinda funny if I put my big snowman on the porch next to straw and pumpkins :-)

Well, I'm gonna try to get some sleep now...I just wanted to update on here while I actually have the chance and some peace and quiet!! Goodnight!


RecoveringCoffeeholic said...

I love those little head band things! They are sooo cute! Elena's head is too big for them. So we don't use them usually.

Me said...

Great photos! She is so adorable! Don't feel bad about the straw and pumpkins; I just took ours down yesterday! Have a great day.

Kristen Miller said...

Once again...I so love her Christmas pics! She's so beautiful! I can't wait to get Jacksons done this weekend. Don't you just love this time of year? ;)

Theresa said...

What a cutie! She's growing up so incredibly fast. Have fun getting the house ready for Christmas!

Alicia said...

What a cutie she is!!!!! I'm glad your back.....I totally missed you!

audreybreier said...

How cute...I love her pictures! She looked so pretty :)

Platinum Rose said...

I couldn't see her pics :-( I have most of my shopping still left to do, and ALL of my decorating! I need to get on it!

LCP said...

She is so beautiful. I love the dress. Wow, good for you that you have most of your shopping done. Me, I have to be in the spirit or I don't accomplish anything. So, the next few weeks it will happen. But, we have ordered our Christmas cards...that is a start!

Jenny said...

What great pictures! She looks so cute in her pretty christmas outfit and she is getting so big. It is amazing how fast they grow. Good job with teaching her to be a good shopper. I made sure to work on Chloe with that skill too!

Jodi said...

Aly's pictures are adorable!!!!!

Umm...yeah, haven't even STARTED the christmas shopping yet!!! I just can't motivate myself to get out and do it...I hate the crowds!!!! Soon, I have to!

C-Rah said...

What a little darling! :o)