I'm starting to get impatient. Not to mention MOODY! I'm just feeling kinda miserable lately.
Wow, how's that for a nice, upbeat start to a post?
I just feel like this baby is never going to come. I can't imagine how you other mommies-to-be who are approaching (or past) 40 weeks feel! I'm not even 38 weeks yet and I'm already thinking, "Bring it on, already!!!!"
I never thought I would look forward to seeing something as gross as a mucous plug in the toilet, but every time I go to the bathroom I turn around and look in the toilet hoping to see a little glimmer of hope that SOMETHING is going on 'downstairs.' It's equal to the suspense that Charlie Bucket had when opening up a candy bar in hopes of finding that golden ticket.
But sadly, nothing yet. No mucous plug. No water breaking. No golden ticket.
I know things are getting closer though, so that's good. I've been getting more and more braxton hicks, despite drinking water like a fish. Sometimes the crampiness goes to my lower back (owwwww....kinda like right now!), but those are few and far between. I'm just hoping that the pains in my back are just a signal that labor is coming soon, and not a sign that baby Aly is turned the wrong way. :-(
I just still get a heck of a lot of those sharp pains in my hoo ha...baby Aly is knocking on the door of my cervix 24-7. I think she's having fun down there, thinking, "Wow, what's this?" KICK! POKE! KICK! POKE! "Cool! It makes mommy jump!"
Gotta love it. Yeah right.
I just CAN'T WAIT to see my baby girl. It seems like once 37 weeks hit, my impatience factor went off the charts. I want her out NOW! lol. Not that I don't still have some things to do before she gets here, but I'm just tired of being pregnant and want little Aly in my arms and not my belly. I'm just wondering how long my OB doc will let me go before he suggests induction or something. I just picture myself being, like, 50 weeks pregnant. LOL. Yeah, I know THAT can't happen, but that's what it feels like...like I've been pregnant forever. In a way, I wish he would say, "OK, if you don't progress, we'll induce on this day." You know, so I at least have a DATE. So I'm not so unsure of things. Maybe if I don't progress at this next appointment, he'll suggest something. Heck, with all those sharp pains I'm getting, I'd have thought I'd be halfway dilated by now, but NOTHING. (sigh)
I guess I'm just venting now, sorry... it's just that once the back pains and the coochie pains and the worn-out feeling hit, this girl has gotten grouchy. :-P Hopefully I have some news to report SOON! :-)
(Taps on belly)- "Hey Aly... you know how last post I said that you can come out anytime? I wasn't joking. Really, you can."
16 Years
2 years ago
Yeah girl...unfortunately it gets worse...but then it gets better I think. Maybe it's because I KNOW there's an end in sight and there's a date set. As it's getting closer it's getting easier for me. Sure I'd LOVE for him to go ahead and come on out now...but Friday will be just fine. I just can't wait to see him and hold him and kiss him.
It's almost over girl...just hang in there...it'll be worth all the pain and frustration. Little Aly will be here so soon!
I feel ya! She will be out soon though!! It's definately hard to be patient. I was due 3 days ago and I still have no baby..I really didn't think that would happen!
Cade likes to kick that little spot down there too that makes me cringe everytime he does it. It's the weirdest feeling!
Good luck at your 38 week appointment. I hope you get some good news, or at least a definate date if nothing happens before then!
Seriously...all you ladies that are so close to the end, really make me dread it!!! I'm already over this being pregnant thing, and I still have 7 wks to go!!!! I'm sure I'll be like you though, once I hit 37 wks, I'll be impatiently waiting for Ali's arrival! I just told Audrey, that I'm sure it makes her feel so much better knowing that she's got a date....since she'll be induced on friday. It'd be nice to know that if something didn't happen before then that she's definitely going to have him by then. And, I'm sure that that would make you feel all the more bettter too! Hopefully your OB will start talking about how long he'd (or she'd) let you go...atleast give you an idea of sorts.
Hang in there, lady!
Hang in there, she'll be out before you know it! After all, she's having fun where she is right now. Sounds like she's a kicker...just wait until you go to change her diaper!
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