Yes, it's me again! Twice in one week...who would have thought. :-)
Well, I had my post-partum doctor's appointment today and everything went really well. I had to take my mom with me so she could watch Aly while I was being seen by the doctor...they don't allow kids in the exam rooms.
Anyway, I am 6 pounds above my pre-prego weight...ugh. I thought I was closer than that, but what are you gonna do. I'm just upset because I've been watching what I eat for the past month and I've only lost about 5 pounds. I know I need to exercise more though... it's just been hard to get it in during the day. I figured, "Heck, I'm home all day right now, I'll have PLENTY of time to exercise." HA! Lately, I've had Aly in her bouncer or swing, put my exercise DVD in...and JUST when I start the warm up stuff, she starts screaming her head off. It never fails. I might get 5, maybe 10 minutes in and that's it. And I've learned to forget even THINKING about getting on the floor to do any exercises, unless I have the dogs outside. As soon as I get down on the floor to do leg lifts or something, I have two dogs right in my face thinking it's playtime! I tried laying down and doing crunches one day and looked up to find Cody with his big head staring down at me. I can't win! Needless to say, the exercise has taken a backseat lately.
Anyway, back to my appointment.... like i said, things went well. I was just a little upset about the weight thing. And to top it off, they give you this chart with your height and weight on it, with your calculated BMI. That was the icing on the cake...haha.
Oh, and I talked with the doctor about getting on some BC. I'm gonna try the Nuva Ring and see how that goes. After my appointment, my mom was asking if I'm getting on anything, and I told her about the nuvaring... she got this weird look on her face and said (and I totally cracked up at this--) "Well, won't Russ feel that when his, uh, Mr. Happy goes in there?" LOL. Leave it to my mom to ask me that. I'm 27 years old and I still think she's embarrassed to talk about sex stuff with me.
Too funny....gotta love her.
Onto another topic... I was a bit upset with Russ yesterday. Not for anything he DID, but what he DIDN'T do! Evidentally he made an appointment with our realtor guy to get our house reappraised...this was right before the weekend. WELL. He just tells me lastnight that, "Oh yeah, honey... we're getting our house appraised tomorrow." "TOMORROW? What time? You know I'm going to be gone for awhile," I said.
Then he tells me "4pm." (Mind you, when he broke this news to me, it was almost 8pm.) I just laughed it off in front of him, but I was TICKED! I mean, I've been keeping up with the housework as best as I can, but there are things that I've been letting go for awhile, and I knew an appraisor had to see EVERYTHING. Which meant I couldn't use one room to put a bunch of junk in! I know an appraisor just looks at what you have in the house, but I still wanted it to be clean! So I spent last evening scrubbing floors, pledging and windexing things until 12:30am. I was so mad... I hate when he tells me things at the last minute. Sometimes I wish I had a magic wand that I could wave around and make the house spotless. Life would be so much
So when the appraisor got here today, I wasn't home yet... on the way home I was thinking about all the things I didn't get to clean, and things like, "I hope this isn't sitting out... I hope that's put away...I hope the shower is clean..." (I mean, he looked in every shower and all that... thank GOD I've been in a cleaning mood lately!) When I got home, they were in the kitchen, and I suddenly remembered that I didn't make our bed, and that I had clothes strewn on the floor in there. I slipped in the bedroom and closed the door, and tried to tidy up a bit. Next thing I know, Russ and the appraisor walk in and start looking around and talking about what new things we had added in there. I thought I had things looking half decent, then was embarrassed when I looked on the dresser and saw something, uh, 'sexual' left sitting out. (Ok, was KY...I just had a baby, darnit... I need some help!) LOL. It was at this point that I REALLY wished Russ had let me know this guy was coming a little sooner than the night before. I could have been prepared, dammit! Oh well... we have a baby. I think people know we have sex. :-)
(Have my posts been a little TMI lately? If so, sorry... just saying what's on my mind!)
So that was my afternoon. Exciting, I know.
Well, I'm going to try and lay down again... I was trying to fall asleep and just layed there staring at the ceiling. It doesn't help that Russ has half the bed and I'm sharing my side with two huge boxers who insist on laying horizontally across where my legs SHOULD be. If they DO give me room to lay, they steal my covers instead, so it sucks either way.
Alright...nighty night. I'll post again soon, and I promise it won't be about periods, or birth control, or KY. Maybe.
16 Years
2 years ago
5 comments: this "Nuvaring" Dr. recommended it and I actually have a friend on it who LOVES it. I just don't get it though, it freaks me out too much (so do diaphrams and cervical caps etc.). I just can't wrap my mind around those tings and how they work. LOL!
I guess I'm just a pill girl.
I'm sure the appraisor didn't notice the KY. If so it's nothing to be embarrased about. He would probably be jealous really.
You could start a whole new TMI blog if you want. I may be your only reader. I'm obviously not easily embarrassed or offended. A girl can use a good laugh during these long boring summer days at work. :)
That was too funny! I think I would have died if my KY was sitting out. (LOL Now I'm sharing TMI!) And I don't blame you for being upset!!! Why is it that men conveniently "forget" to tell us the important things like that?! LOL Hopefully next time you will have a decent amount of warning. :o) Take care!
Don't feel so bad. I am still about 12-15 lbs away from my pre-prego weight! We are in it together!
You crack me up! I would be yelling at someone, especially if he didn't help me clean. UGH! Men just don't get it sometimes:)
I can totally relate to trying to exercise on the floor - the second I do something my German Shepherd is right there! Wanting to play! I am sorry you were frustrated about your weight. It sounds to me though that you are doing pretty great. It hasn't even been 12 weeks yet and I think you are doing great. Try not to get too discouraged, though, here again, I can relate to being discouraged with weight loss. That's frustrating about the appraiser guy coming over when the KY jelly was in plain sight, but it will be a funny story to look back on. I wish Russ had helped you clean the house though! Ugh! And what your Mom said to you about the nuvaring - hilarious!!
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