Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Weekly update!

Hey ladies :-) Time for my weekly It sucks that I only seem to post once a week...I wish it could be more often but when I'm online I check my email, TRY to check out your blogs to catch-up a bit, and that's about it. I've been reading your blogs a few at a time, but haven't been leaving feedback...sorry!

Anyway... things have been going well. Aly's doing great. We went to the pediatrician Monday morning and she is 10 pounds 14 ounces already!! Like I said before, she's growing like a weed! She's taking 4, maybe 5 ounces of formula about 6-7 times a day. The pediatrician said her weight gain is perfect for her age, so that's good.

Aly stayed with my parents on Saturday night and most of Sunday. While it was nice to have some 'me time', I still missed my little princess. My parents took Aly to the mall Sunday afternoon, and I had been wanting to get out shopping, so I went by myself. It was so nice just to get out alone and actually go CLOTHES SHOPPING. My main goal was to get some summer clothes, and I was happy to find that mostly all the summer stuff was on clearance. Which, much to my dismay, meant that all the clothes left were in extra small, small or mediums. "The girls" just don't seem to fit in medium tops. LOL. I did manage to get some new tops, so I was happy. By the end of the afternoon, I actually bought more for Aly than I did for myself, but I had fun doing it!! I found sooooooo many cute things on clearance. JCPenney's had alot of summer things on sale for 70% off, so I bought a bunch of 12month outfits for next year, and did the same thing at Macy's. Of course, I had to buy some things for now too :-) She's gonna be stylin'.

Now for some other news. My husband has decided to buy a new boat! Right now he has a Seadoo jetboat, which had previously been his little toy to satisfy his "need for speed" out on the river. But now that the baby is here, he's opted for a more 'family-friendly' boat, which I'm very happy about! I like his jetboat because it's easy to get in and out of the water and all that, but sometimes I just don't like going all fast and looking like a windblown piece of crap with knotted hair by the end of the trip, ya know?! LOL. At least with this bigger boat we can just cruise along and RELAX.

The new boat is awesome... It's not a brand new boat by any means, so there are things that need fixing, but all in all it's in great shape. Russ and I and some other people are gonna clean it all up this week. He and his buddy are washing and waxing it, and I told him I'd help clean up the inside. :-) It just needs some good scrubbing :-) The inside has 2 different sleeping areas in it, tables, a microwave and little stove, bathroom w/shower, etc. Nothing crazy elaborate, but nice enough to make you feel at-home out on the water. I'm excited because alot of people can go out with us now and it's actually gonna be kid-friendly. Our friends all seem to have young kids, so now we can all hang out together and go boating. :-) We're all planning on going up to Lake Erie in a month or so... it should be fun!!

To get ready for the whole boating thing, we drove to a marine shop to get some supplies today, and took Aly with us. She did pretty well on the way up and slept most of the time, but OF COURSE she started crying like crazy as soon as we got up there. I had to stay in the car and feed her while Russ shopped around. Once she settled down, I took her in the store and OF COURSE she started crying again, which couldn't been consoled with a out in the car we went again. She settled down and slept the whole way home, right until we arrived at the restaurant to eat dinner, then OF COURSE she started crying again. I'm sensing a pattern here. LOL. I fed her before we ate, and she seemed to calm down. While waiting for our food, Russ held her and she puked right down the front of his shirt. I couldn't help but laugh, the expression on his face was priceless. I told him, "This is what happens to me EVERYDAY."

So that was our evening. Nothing majorly exciting, but it was nice to get out of the house. It's funny now, because I look forward to just getting out of the house regardless of what I'm doing. Heck, I look forward to having to go grocery shopping these days. My, how things change.

Well, I'm going to try and get some sleep now. Aly's been fast asleep, so I figured I'd just try and post while I had some time to myself. :-) Hope all of you are doing well! Take care...nighty night!


Heather said...

Oooh the boat sounds nice! I can't wait until next summer to take Madelyn camping and to the river! I'm glad your shopping trip went well!

Me said...

Hey, nice to hear from you again! Glad to hear that Aly is growing nice and strong. That's great. The boat sounds really cool! I like the idea of just relaxing on the water better, too. Have a great rest of the week!

Amy said...

Thanks for the update. Heck, I even find it hard to find time to reply to peoples posts and write blogs and I don't even have a little baby to take care of. It is nice to hear from you though, whenever you have a chance!!

Jodi said...

I hear ya about not being able to keep up with everyone anymore! Funny how crazy life gets when you have a little one!!! :o)

How fun about the new boat! I love boating! I've totally missed it this summer!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm just now getting back to catch up with a number of blogs I like to read. The only way I have time is by coming back to work. (Yeah, I know that sounds bad but I do come in early and usually work through lunch!) Having a little one definitely keeps me busy as well! It's a little late but congrats on Aly!

Jenny said...

Congrats on the new boat. I just love going out on the water--so nice and relaxing (I agree with you on the fact that speed is not ALWAYS needed!).

Glad to hear that Aly is thriving and gaining weight. Show us some more pictures of your little angel!!

Mrs. Taco said...

Ah, I remember my first outing sans baby. :o) So nice, huh? Now it seems like I can't find someone to take her for a few hours so that I can get some much needed stuff done in peace! LOL I'm glad you enjoyed your "me time" and I hope you get more "me time" - you know, to help with the sanity. LOL :p