Finally, a day off! Feels like I've been working for a week straight for some reason. I'm still off the rest of the weekend, so I'm enjoying actually RELAXING for a change.
Yesterday Russ and I went out to dinner with my parents. We decided to go to Red Lobster in Pittsburgh. Let me say this.... Red Lobster + 5pm+ Good Friday= BAD. But it just sounded soooooo good so we decided to brave the crowds.
Russ and I just met my parents up there because we didn't know what we'd all be doing afterwards. I kinda wanted to go shopping, and my parents weren't sure what they'd be up to doing. Anyway, they got there before we did, so they put our name on the list for a table. When Russ and I showed up, they said, "It's gonna be about 55 minutes to an hour wait." Whaaaat? We go inside and it is just wall to wall people. We waited a little over an hour but FINALLY got seated. We thought a few times about going somewhere else, but had our hearts set on some Red Lobster. Cause really, when a pregnant girl gets a craving, you just gotta go with it.... OR ELSE. haha. Oh, and while we were waiting, some lady tried to get through the crowd and just told Russ, "Excuse Me"...he looked at her and really had NO WHERE to move, but scooted as far toward me as he could, which still didn't leave much room. She gave him a nasty look and goes, "That means MOVE!" So Russ and his hot italian temper remarked back to her, "Where the f*** would you like me to go?" That shut her nasty butt up real quick. But yeah-- my mannerly he is sometimes. Gotta love him though. He'll tell it like it is.
Anyway, dinner was really good.... it actually didn't take long at all to get our meals, which was nice. Afterwards, we all went to Sam's Club to do some shopping. I bought some food to take up my Grandma's on Easter Sunday. I'm gonna take up a meat and cheese tray and a big thing of veggies. Everyone's taking a little something :-) We're gonna have sausage sandwiches, ham, soups, and all kinds of goodies up there tomorrow... I can't wait. It's always nice to have the whole family together too... that doesn't happen very often. Haven't seen some of my family members since Christmastime.
Oh... and you know what I noticed lastnight at Sam's Club? I was having Braxton Hicks contractions! It's the first time I've actually noticed them, though they've probably happened to me before. We were just walking around and then all the sudden my whole belly got achy and tensed up...then was normal again after a few minutes. That happened a few other times before we were out of there. What a weird feeling. Caffeine and dehydration can attribute to BH, and I DID have a few glasses of iced tea with dinner. Needless to say, I've been trying to drink more water and keep myself hydrated. Thank goodness for those Crystal Light packets, cause plain water gets old after awhile.
Well, back to watching Charlotte's Web. Yes, I'm watching Charlotte's Web. I bought the DVD at Sam's yesterday. I LOVED LOVED LOVED the book and the other cartoon movie as a kid, so I wanted to buy this for little Aly to watch when she gets old enough. (Okay okay, so I bought it for me, too!) I've had it on for about a half hour so far, and it is an adorable movie! Russ just laughs at me when I get all into these 'kid movies.' I already have a collection (though a small one so far) of Disney movies for Aly too.... including my other favorite, Lady and the Tramp, and Cinderella. I'm just thinking ahead :-)
Well, I'm gonna go get some breakfast... mommy and baby are HUNGRY. Have a great day!
P.S. Platinum Rose-- if you read this, thanks for the comments on my posts :-) I just wanted to see if I could be 'invited' to view your blog, since blogger won't let me view yours. Thanks!
16 Years
2 years ago
Too funny what Russ said to the stupid lady at Red Lobster! :o)
And, who doesn't own a bunch of Disney movies!!! I always try to get them just to have. Not only are they actually good movies, but yes, they may come in later for the little ones! Not only that, but I"m married to quite possibly the BIGGEST Disney freak ever!!!!
I laughed at what Russ said to the lady in Red Lobster!
The other day Nathan said "I'm so excited about having a baby because now we get to buy all those kids movies and watch them." So, I'm sure our collection of kids movies will be large :) Oh, and I saw Charlotte's Web in the theater and I even cried a little, so I'm right there with you. It was a really cute movie!
Happy Easter!!!
Good for Russ! I hate how rude people can be and sometimes it takes someone to say what we are all thinking to put them in their place!
I find my BH contractions go away when I just sit down. I usually get them from moving around too much!
Sorry, I didn't realize you didn't have access! Just email me your email address so I can send you an!
P.S. That was funny what Russ said to the lady at Red Lobster - she deserved it! And I collect Disney movies, and Pixar ones now too, so don't feel silly about Charlotte's Web! It's a classic!
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