Thursday, April 5, 2007

Not as good the second time around...

I'm writing this buttcrack-of-dawn post because I came home from work a few hours early. I am NOT feeling very well right now. It's all because of two pieces of pizza.

Yes, I've made a discovery.... pizza is no longer my friend. At least for the next 2-3 months or so. See, I used to be able to eat this one particular type of pizza and not, um, 'bring it back up.' So I figured lastnight when everyone wanted to order food from that place, I'd just get a few pieces of pizza and all would be well.


I've had that pizza taste in my mouth all night long (yuck), and finally within the past hour, it decided to make a second appearance. I've been worshipping the toilet at work since about 4:30am. Not fun. Darn this pregnancy indigestion and heartburn. I feel like my chest is on fire. Grr. This only started happening within the past few weeks. I've never had heartburn in my life, now it's come in full force. I'm just now getting to the point where I can't eat a lot at one time, too. Welcome to the third trimester, eh?!

Well, I just wanted to write real quick... I'm gonna try to get some sleep. I have one more night to work, then I'm off for 4 days starting tomorrow! :-) Too bad the weather this weekend is gonna be in the 30's-40's and snowy. It's hard to believe it was 80 degrees here a few days ago. Spring, where are you?!

Alright, time for bed. I'll write something a little more exciting another time.


RecoveringCoffeeholic said...

I noticed that I really need to stay away from teh acidity of tomatoes. High sudium too. Those both give me horrible heart burn. Try avoiding those... it'll help!

Platinum Rose said...

That stinks! I hope you feel better really soon! I thought you only had to deal with throwing up for the first trimester, that's a huge bummer to find out it's not necessarily the case!

Jodi said...

Hope you feel better soon! I haven't had too much of the heartburn yet, I'm really hoping it stays away all together!!!

I hear ya on the weather!!! It's been sooooo friggin' cold here the past two days! Tuesday was 80!!! Yesterday was barely 30 and flurrying! Grrrr!

Jenny said...

Ugh, sorry to hear you have heartburn--they say that means your baby will have a lot of hair! I didn't get it too bad until very late in the pregnancy so I guess I was lucky-because I love pizza!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy,
I finally got all caught up on your blog! I've been on spring break all week so I am a little behind. I like your new blog. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling so hot. I hope you feel better soon! KMT (Kristin)