Heartburn. Dizziness. Swollen ankles. Stuffy nose. Round ligament pains. Shortness of breath.
All of the above are signs/symptoms that I 'might' be experiencing now, according to what a pregnancy website had to say about Week 31.
"Might?" There's no might about it. I AM experiencing it. ALL of it.
I now have to be VERY picky about what/how much I eat, because my stomach will let me know I've done wrong VERY quickly. And the dizziness.... now THAT sucks. Sometimes I'll just feel so lightheaded and have to sit down. I'm assuming my blood pressure is down in the toilet at that time, but who knows. As for the swollen ankles, they're not that bad. I only get swollen after I work night turn, thank goodness. Once I put my feet up and take a nap, things are back to normal. No 'cankles' as of yet!
And is anyone else's nose stuffed up 24-7? This doesn't help with the shortness of breath I'm experiencing!! I told Russ that my lungs feel like they are being pushed up to my throat. Heck, they probably are, huh?!
Lastly, round ligament pains. Ugh. I now get off the couch at the pace of an 80
year-old, for fear that one of those sharp pains will attack me suddenly, as they so often like to do.
So that's what I'm going through right now. All of that, with some strong kicks in the ribs all throughout the day. Fun fun! :-)
I just keep thinking, "Two months to go.... two months to go......" Though I will miss feeling little baby Aly kicking and moving all around inside, I can't wait for her to be born so I can feel 27 again and not 87! :-)
16 Years
2 years ago
LOL...yeah, I'm feeling you! So I don't have any swelling yet and no stuffiness to report either...but everything else is a check!
My back's also starting to hurt ALOT by the time 5pm rolls around. A warm bath used to help remedy this but apparently not anymore. All a hot bath does is worry me that I might not be able to hoist my big butt out of the tub. ;)
I'm there! I am to the point of being ready to have this baby. My nose has been stuffy almost constantly since the beginning of December. As for walking...I used to be one of those fast pace walkers...now I feel like saying, please don't hold the door or elevator open it only reminds me of how slow I've become. :) Keep telling yourself it's only a little while longer.
I know how you feel!! I am definately having the shortness of breath. I'm so ready for Cade to drop down a little so I can have my lungs back..of course, then he'll be right on my bladder, so I don't know if that'll be any better!
Just 2 more months for you and you can have your body back :)
Ah yes, the aches and pains of pregnancy. And can I say they'll get better? Nope. They just get worse! Heh, we prego's gotta stick together. It can get pretty miserable!
I am sure standing on your feet at work doesn't help either! It is key to get your rest now, trust me, once you get further along, even sleeping is painful and uncomfortable!
They stuffy nose business is driving me crazy!! I absolutely can not breathe sometimes. I just hope it doesn't get worse with allergy season coming...I don't really see how it can get worse though.
A couple more months and we might feel back to normal again!
Oh, I hear ya sista!!!! The round ligament pain is enough to send me to my knees!!! And, the heartburn...I had never experienced that a day in my life until this past week...I'm eating tums like they're going out of style! I know what you mean though...about missing feeling her move, but I just want this to be over with! I always wondered if I'd be one of those women that says the "love being pregnant"...guess I've gotten my answer!!! Although I don't *hate* it...I'm ready for it to be over! Already! I still have a ways to go too!!! Yowza!
I'm not pregnant yet, but I think I'm looking forward to that junk....sorta. Should I be? :-)
I remember all of those things. The stuffy nose, shortness of breath, dizziness. There were times I found myself laying on the floor from the dizziness. No, I didn't pass out, rather was instructed to lay on my left side if it got too bad. So I did that occassionally! Right here at work! LOL Once the baby drops, you will feel TONS better! You will actually be able to take a deep breath and will enjoy breathing like you never thought possible! LOL :p
I'm so sorry you are having to experience all those aches and pains! I am thinking about you and hoping these next 2 months go by really fast, or that you start to feel better soon!
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