Monday, April 16, 2007

Lazy Day!

Afternoon, ladies :-)

The rest of the weekend went really well. Saturday night we went to dinner in Pittsburgh and it was awesome! The restaurant was great, and the food was even better. 5 stars all the way. (Although the bill came to (gulp) $200 for 4 of us.) But Russ said, "Honey, it's not like we do this all the time, ya know?" Each plate averaged about $35-40, and of course we had to get appetizers and desserts afterwards! Russ's buddy Joe's birthday was April 12th, so he and I got our desserts for free, which was great! The waitress sang us happy birthday as she was giving them to us... it was too cute. The dessert was so good, I just kept thinking, "This is so wrong." LOL. Russ hadn't really had dessert since he found out he was a diabetic, but we all said what the heck, it's a special occasion. He ate his AND what I had leftover of mine! He figured he'd be paying for it later in the night, but his blood sugar was only about 15 points over what it normally is at night. He goes, "Wow... maybe I can do that more often!" But he's back to being good

Anyway, since Saturday was a dreary crappy rainy day, we just came straight home after dinner. Not much else exciting to report about that day.

We ended up waiting to go over our friends Dean and Joelle's until yesterday... we took little Jillian's gifts over there early in the afternooon. She loved everything, so I was happy about that! While we were there, one of Dean and Russ's friends called and asked if we all wanted to go out to dinner. We ended up going to a local rib place called Dee Jay's.... it has THE best ribs in the area. I wasn't TOTALLY hungry, but couldn't resist getting a half rack of ribs :-) Oh, and a virgin strawberry daquiri. Theirs are AWESOME, and I like them better without alcohol anyway!

Dinner was a good time... Dean and Joelle had their kids, and Brandon and his wife had their little son. They kept asking me, "So are you ready for a little one?!" I told them I'm as ready as I'm gonna be, I guess!

Lastnight after dinner, Russ and I came home and lounged around and watched tv... our normal routine on Sunday nights, where we sprawl out on the sectional downstairs and watch the Sopranos. Too bad I work the next few weekends... he's gonna be watching it by himself. :-(

So that was it for the weekend. All in all a great bday weekend! Today I'm just taking advantage of the fact that I have NO PLANS made whatsoever. I slept in this morning (in fact, I didn't even want to get out of bed at all!!!), and am proud to say that all I have done today is tidy up the house a bit, and sit on my pregnant butt watching tv. Russ joked and said, "You have the life, you know?!" I told him I'm just enjoying my day off. I guess I could go hop in the shower and do something with my day... maybe shopping. Yeah, that sounds good. Or maybe just nothing at all... that kinda sounds better right now. I'm just having one of those lazy days. I just know that if I don't at least get a shower and get myself looking half decent, today will be a day where Russ says, "So-and-so is coming over in 15 minutes", then I'll be running around like a mad woman. That always seems to happen to me.

Alright, I guess I'll get off the couch now. Have a great day!


RecoveringCoffeeholic said...

Sounds like fun! Glad that you enjoyed the weekend!

Jodi said...

Sounds like you had a a great time. All that talk about food makes me hungry!!!!

Lis said...

Glad to hear your birthday was great - Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
I was just thinking about you and thought I would see what you are up to. Hope all is well and I can't believe it will be in no time before your little one joins the world. Have a great day!
Love, Lis xo

Platinum Rose said...

Enjoy your day of no plans, it's OK to!!! I am glad you had a fun weekend!

Platinum Rose said...

P.S. Happy Belated Birthday!

Jenny said...

Sounds like an awesome dinner and your hubby is right--every once in a while you need to treat yourself!

erin said...

Hi there!! I finally got all caught up on everything and first want to say happy belated birthday!! :) It sounds like you had a wonderful day and weekend....

I'm glad things are going well! Enjoy the Ohio weather for me, okay? ;)
