Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies and mommies-to-be out there! Hope it's been a great day for everyone.

Yesterday we took Russ's mom out to dinner, and today we went to my parents' house for a little bit, then we all went over to my Grandma Jane's house to spend time with my mom's side of the family. It couldn't have been a more beautiful day.... blue skies, sunny and 70 degrees :-)

It's hard to believe that next year I will have a little one of my own for Mother's Day! I even got some cards from friends and family, wishing me a Happy Mother's Day THIS year... I thought that was sweet of them :-) Russ's mom got me a card, and so did my cousin and a friend of mine. My wonderful husband even bought me some roses.

Overall it was a great day... now it's time to relax :-)

Not much else to talk about... just wanted to write real quick to wish everyone Happy Mommies Day. Have a great day/evening/night... whatever time it happens to be where you are right now! :-)


RecoveringCoffeeholic said...

I have gotten the Happy Mothers Day treatment as well. It's kinda fun!

Jodi said...

Happy Mother's Day to you!!!!

I can't believe you only have 6 wks left!!!

Kristen Miller said...

Aww how sweet! Happy late Mother's Day to you too. We're so close to the finish line!

Mrs. Taco said...

I had to do some catching up and I just have to say......I LOVE your belly pics! You look sooo cute! :p You have the big beaming smile and the glow on your face.....*sigh*......pregnancy. :o) I hope you had a fabulous Mother's Day (and by the sound of it, you did). Take care! :o)