Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Somewhat of a shower update :-)


Sorry it's taken me so long to post about my baby shower!

I wanted to post lots of pictures right now, but can't. Let's just say my camera sucks. I fully charged up my digital camera batteries the night before my shower, but the thing STILL managed to screw up. Luckily, I DID get pics of the shower BEFORE everyone got there, so I'll post those. But when it came present-opening time, my camera screen went black and wouldn't let my best friend take any pics with it. So I have NONE of the present opening pics right now. Those are the ones I've been waiting for... everyone said they'd email me their pictures, but they haven't yet. Grr...... lol. Once I get them though, I'll put them up on here :-)


The shower went really well. About 30-some people showed up, so there was a nice crowd there.

Here are some pictures I took before everything got started. Click on them to bring up a bigger pic. :-)

Here's the buffet (before everything was out though...) Note the CHOCOLATE FONDUE! Yes, it was awesome.


Next, we have the CAKE, complete with little baby booties made of icing! It was yummy too! :-)

More yummy!

Here is a pic of one of the tables.

A few pics of the guests....

And... THE PRESENTS! (And this isn't all of them!) :-)

Sadly, as of right now I have NO pics of preggo me... hopefully SOMEONE got a belly shot so I can put it up on here :-)

I ended up getting lots of good stuff... lots of odds and ends! Let's just say Aly now has clothes out the butt. She has an entire summer wardrobe and then some. I got THE cutest little sundresses, onesies, and skirts. Seems like mostly everyone decided to buy me baby clothes! I have half a closet full of 0-3 month stuff, a little bit of 3-6 month, and only a few 6 month+ things. I'm not too worried about the 6 month stuff just yet. At least she's set through the summer and into fall!

I got my diaper genie, rainforest waterfall soother, storage baskets, aquarium bathtub, swing, lots of receiving blankets, bibs and burp clothes, and lots of "little things", ie baby wash, baby lotion, wipes, diapers, balmex, BUTT PASTE (hehe), etc.

I still would like to buy my bouncer and jumperoo, and I still need a high chair. We got money and gift cards also, so I'll be putting those to good use. Mostly everything else I need are little things, like binkies, bottles, a few more receiving blankets.... things like that. I'm finally feeling more relaxed now! I spent two days after my shower just getting things put away . The nursery now looks SOMEWHAT less of a cluttered mess! :-) Now comes the part where I have to wash everything up. Fun fun.

Well, I promise to post more pics as I get them. Also, I'll take more pics of the nursery as it becomes a little, uh, less cluttered. :-) It looked like a tornado hit it after we piled all the shower stuff in

Alright, well I'm going to take a little nap so I can de-cankle myself. I just finished up work about an hour ago, so it's time for this girl to put her feet up and get some rest. I'll write more soon!

Have a great day!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you really enjoyed the baby shower! I'm glad you received a lot of nice things for Aly. :)

Kristen Miller said...

I've been waiting to hear about your shower. :) I'm glad you had a good time. Sounds like you got some great stuff too. The food looks like it was delicious and the decorations and cake are sooo cute. I still haven't gotten Jacks room clean enough for pictures. Oh well...I've still got a few more weeks. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your shower! The decorations and the cake are all so pretty :) Sounds like your little girl got a lot of great stuff - like that Butt Paste, which is really important LOL! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your nap!

RecoveringCoffeeholic said...

What a gorgeous setting that they put together for your shower! It looks like it was amazing!

Platinum Rose said...

I love the way the tables were decorated with the colored napkins and baby blocks, and your cake looked cute AND yummy! I am so happy you got lots of great things! Can't wait to see more shower pics, and also pics of the nursery!

Lis said...

Your shower looked beautiful and I bet you did have a ball!! How fun, I am only imgine how exciting that would be!! Yes, please put a belly shot up - I dying to see - I just love those. It's so special and you are truly blessed!
Love, Lis xo

Jodi said...

Oh, I can't wait for my shower! And, to start getting everything all "ready" for her!!! I'm so jealous of all you ladies who are so far along! :o)

Mrs. Taco said...

Ooh! Washing the baby's stuff was sooo much fun! I kept looking at how small the 0-3 month stuff was, how cute the clothing was and how I couldn't believe that in just a few short weeks, I would ACTUALLY have something that small to fit into those clothes! LOL :p And then before you know it, you WILL be worrying about those 6-9 month clothes. *sigh* Times flies when you're having fun. :o)